

The Problem

For smaller managers, there is little time to run both a business and a portfolio let alone try to sell the strategy to investors.

Even if there is a budget for an internal marketing resource, there are thousands of investors out there to reach out to and understand whether they have any interest in the fund’s strategy.

Far too many for any one or two people to contact.

Cap Intro Solutions Solves It

Instead of hiring expensive in-house sales resources or engaging a third-party marketing outfit, the experienced team at Cap Intro Solutions (CIS), will do the following for the manager:

  1. Reach out to members of the investment community – to do this independently, managers not only need a list of investors to call but they also need the time and perseverance to make the calls to the investor.  CIS personnel are continually on the phone with investors,  eliminating the need for managers to do so.
  2. Forward information to prospective investors – CIS will make certain that the managers’ updated information is delivered to investors who have indicated interest in the manager’s strategy and will follow up to further gauge the level of the investor’s interest.
  3. Facilitate meetings – with interested investors as interest from specific investors is received.
  4. Other available services include – reviewing marketing materials, hosting events, and arranging road shows at an additional cost.


Transparency is paramount to CIS. Managers gain a great deal of insight about their fund/firm from knowing the responses that CIS has received from the investor base that CIS has approached on the managers’ behalf. The CIS reporting suite includes:

  • Regular hardcopy reports of activity by investor segment.
  • The names of the allocators surveyed and the contact details of the investors who have expressed specific interest is also available via an online portal.
  • Excel exports of all data for import into other CRM systems.
Manager Activity Summary

reporting image 1*

Investor Opinion Report

reporting image 1


It is our goal to provide investors we work with a unique service with a minimum of disruption. For the time that investors spend with cap intro providers, they deserve the courtesy of being shown quality managers that fit their investment parameters. This is the sole objective of CIS when working with an investor. CIS will never force a manager on an investor that falls outside their criteria.

At the same time, the investor must always remain in control of the cap intro process. At no point until the investor consents to a meeting does CIS communicate the contact details of the investor to the manager. No manager working with CIS will ever besiege an investor unless the investor has indicated a direct interest in the specific manager.

Streamlining the Feedback Process

To streamline the feedback process between CIS and the investor, CIS uses ground-breaking technology in the cap intro industry by embedding an Indication of Interest form.

Investors taking advantage of this feedback process rid themselves of the annoying follow-up phone calls from the cap intro team looking for feedback on recently sent manager profiles.

Investor Image 4

Meet Our Team

Contact Us

Cap Intro Solutions

Tel: (646) 926-0207

email: sales@capintrosolutions.com

155 East 44th St.

New York, NY 10017

(bet. Lex and Third)

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